

两岸佛教一家亲 携手合作传世界(图片来源:大菩文化 摄影:妙雨)

    大菩文化福建讯 2018年10月28日至30日,第五届世界佛教论坛在福建省莆田市召开。论坛主题为“交流互鉴、中道圆融”,邀请海内外佛教界人士、学者等约800余位代表出席。尼泊尔蓝毗尼佛教协会会长Maitri Buddki出席大会并发言。以下为讲话全文:

    Buddhism in Nepal

    Buddha was born in Nepal in 6th century BC. Lichchavi period was seen golden age for Buddhism in Nepal. King Ansuvarma married his daughter Bhrikuti to Tibetan King Srong zhong Gampo. She took Buddhist texts, Buddhist teachers and artists to Tibet. That could help Tibet and China to flourish Buddhism. But later on Malla, Rana rulers and Shankaracharya from India destroyed Buddhist monks and Buddhism from Nepal. (16th century).

    In 1941, One Hindu person became Buddhist monk Maha pragya in Nepal. Along with him 4 other monks appeared in Nepal were expelled from the country. Because they changed their religion. Then after there were 4 other monks and 4 samaneras were expelled. Ven. Pragyananda, Sakyananda, Dhammaloka and Subodahnanda.  4 samaneras were Ratanajyoti, 2. Pragyarasa 3. Aggadhamma 4. Kumra Kassapa. Because they didn't listened to the prime minister. They were told not to gather people and preach the dhamma. In those days most of the monks were ordained by Bhikkhu Chandramani mahathera of Kushinagar. They went to live in Kushinagar.

    By that time Ven. Amritananda was in Saranath.  Having this news, He formed a new organization called “Dharmodaya Sabha” under the chairmanship of Bhikkhu Chandramani mahathera.  Being secretary of the organization, he appealed the Buddhist world to bring back the expelled monks to Nepal. He couldn't get any reply from anywhere for a long time. So he went to his upasampada teacher Most Ven. Pelene. Vajiragnana mahathera in Colombo. Teacher advised him to take  5 members delegation goodwill mission  from Sri Lanka headed by Ven. Narada. Ven. Piyadassi, Prof. MB Ariyapala, W. Ratanasuriya and Ven. Amritananda himself became the members.

    Prime minister Juddha shamsher Rana expelled the monks. The goodwill mission with 5 members arrived Nepal during Padma shamsher Rana premiership. Padma shamsher refused to bring all the monks at the moment because his elder brother Juddha shamsher expelled just few months before, so Ven. Amritananda requested him to bring at least an old monk Dhammaloka. He permitted for him. Then after slowly other monks came to the country. Samaneras were sent to Sri Lanka to study Buddhism.

    Then after with the help of the Nepal government, Wisakha pooja day was observed in Nepal on the chairmanship of Prime minister. Since 1943.

    Mostly monks went to Sri Lanka to study Buddhism. Monks also went to Burma, from 1973, we sent monks to Thailand for Buddhist studies. Now we have good relation with specially 3 Buddhist countries.

    Regarding Lumbini

    Buddha himself told the monks to visit Lumbini, Buddha's birthplace when he was going to have parinibbana, mentioned in Mahaparibbana sutta.

    To get more merit, Buddhists should visit Buddha's birthplace Lumbini, Buddhagaya- where he was enlightened, Saranath where he gave 1st sermon and Kushinagar where he had parinibbana.

    But after 50 years, monks stopped visiting Lumbini.

    Emperor Ashoka wanted to visit Buddha's birthplace Lumbini. He was accompanied by his teacher Most Ven. Moggaliputta tissa arahanta mahathera after 20 years of his coronation. Emperor Ashoka erected a pillar with inscription in Brahmi script pali language mentioned that he came to visit, worshipped installed a marker stone and reduced the tax for the villagers.

    Just after that many monks started to come and built monasteries in Lumbini. Mostly ruins you can see even now 3rd century BC to 3rd century AD. When Fashien came in 5th century and Huen tsang came in 7th century, they saw many 1000 monks in lumbini written on their travel accounts.

    Since 16th century hindu influence destroyed the Buddhism. Lumbini is disappeared until Governor Khadga shamsher Rana of Palpa Tansen came and found the Ashokan pillar in Lumbini. Pillar was covered with soil, tried to pull by elephant, couldn't, so he was so curious and cleaned. Found the pillar. He couldn't understand what it is. So he invited Indian archaeologists to verify. Dr. A. Fuherer came and explained its Ashokan pillar. Then for the 1st time, an article on Lumbini Ashokan pillar was published in Germany by Buhler.

    Then after then education minister Keshar shamsher took keen interest to excavate the area and found the ruins of monasteries, pond and different stupas. Ven. Dhammaloka came to Lumbini in 1945 made a small kuti  and took care of Lumbini and Kapilavastu. He also discovered Kakusandha Buddha's birthplace Pillar in Gotihawa Kapilavastu.

    In 1956, 4th World Fellowship of Buddhists general conference was held in Kathmandu. At the same time Ven. Amritananda brought all the delegates to Lumbini along with then king Mahendra and stopped the sacrifice the animals in mayadevi temple.

    Bhikkhu Aniruddha was here from 1956, stayed for 45years. During his time, UN secretary general Uthant Burmese national came to visit lumbini. Ven. Aniruddha explained him about lumbini in Burmese language with full of tears. UN secretary couldn't stop his tear also. Deciding have to do something for lumbini, returned to UN. Formed a international committee of 13 countries. Requested Prof. Kenzo Tange to design a master plan. Prof took 6 years to design the master plan.

    He planned Singapore in 6 months. Master plan was handed over in 1976, Lumbini Development Committee was formed to work according to the plan. They cleaned the area and planted the trees.

    1986, Lumbini development trust was formed. They started to give the land for a hotel, museum, library, pilgrim rest and friendship bridge and they were completed within 4 years.

    1990 Democracy has come to Nepal. Lumbini also started to have democracy. Demonstration padlock office lumbini development trust was started. No officials could come. By that time, my teacher \ven. Amritananda passed away, I became free, so came to work with LDT to manage the Sri Lanka pilgrim rest. Due to strike of local people, it was not easy to work in Lumbini. However I managed the pilgrim rest and brought meditation camps. Later on visited the local people and enquire about their problem. 11 villages were removed to activate the master plan. Given hopes were not fulfilled. They didn't have any job in LDT, no good health clinic, no ambulance, no telephone, no electricity.

    I promised them all if they do volunteer work for me. They agreed, so started International Buddhist society.  Free clinic was started at 1st. Then after drinking water system, telephone, electricity, ambulance provided gradually.  Unless we develop local people educate, make them healthy and civilized them, its not possible to develop the Lumbini.

    From 1993, monasteries from different countries were signed agreement. Now you can see Thai, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Campuchea and India temple were built in Theravada site.

    China, Korea, France, Germany, Japan and much more temples were built. Apart from them, there are 2 meditation centres.

    Among them thai temple is helping us providing medicine for our free clinic  and scholarship for the samaneras. In winter, Thai temple also provide eye treatments and blankets distributing for poor people.

    Buddha himself announced the monks to go for the benefit of many Caratha bhikkhave carikan bahujana hitaya bahujana sukhaya lokanukampaya etc., when he had 60 disciple monks. Sent One path one monk, that is dhammadoota. I hope you are also trained for dhammadootha work in several places where there are no Buddhism. Arabhatha nikkhamatha yunjatha Buddha sasane.  Start  working for Buddhism in army style. Buddha has said. So we Buddhists all should unite and should learn from each other have mutual understanding.

    Wish you all the best.

    Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhi tatta

    May all beings be happy.

编辑:慧空 责任编辑:李蕴雨

尼泊尔,蓝毗尼佛教协会会长,Maitri Buddki,出席大会,发言,菩萨在线,佛教新闻,最新资讯,佛教